The other day I noticed a picture on my phone that Jonah must have taken one morning during a round of “Mommy, what does this button do.” I have to be honest, at first glance, I saw nothing but blur and went to delete it. But then I took a second look, “Do my thighs look as great as I think they do here?”

Totally self absorbed and obnoxious as it may sound, the photo gave me that sort of… “hmmph” feeling… The kind of feeling when you try you try on a pair of jeans you think will look terrible, but lo and behold, your butt actually looks (a la Larry David), “pretty, pretty, good.”

Similarly, while taking Tae Bo class this morning, and feeling particularly proud of myself for how high I was kicking, I got a rush of “I’m kind of a bad ass” and remembered a post I wrote last October. After spending time in what I dub/dubbed as “woe is me land,” last year, I decided I’d take a day to honor the strictly superficial things I like about myself and shout it from the roof tops. Read Post HERE. I got a lot of positive feedback… a lot of you were up for the challenge and shared the things you liked too…

One year later, I’m happy to say I’m still feeling great about my ankles, eyebrows, and what should be a genetically impossible nose. Though I still hate my arms and frequently curse the Gods of Breastfeeding, there are days like today that liking myself comes easy. I’m not sure if I have Hipstamatic and/or fogged up gym mirrors to thank for the feeling, but either way, I’m gonna roll with it. And like it.
Now it’s your turn again. It’s National Like Yourself Day and I’m challenging YOU to like yourself today too. Choose three things that you love about yourself physically. Share them in the comments here and/or on your own blog. Be sure to leave a link and link back to me too. Tweet it, Facebook it, share it with your community and spread the like yourself love….
Who’s in?

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  1. Tuesday, November 15th, 2011
    Fabulous post. It's really hard to like everything about yourself all the time (actually, maybe impossible). But, I'm on a quest to go easier on myself. Not so easy!
  2. Wednesday, November 16th, 2011
    I was so excited to come across this post & inspired to "celebrate" National Like Yourself Day" with you:
  3. Wednesday, November 16th, 2011
    oh, you challenge me so! but, you know, i like a good challenge. here goes: my butt is fab (if a little hard to squeeze into jeans; when i do, though, watch out!), my eyes are pretty and i've got a cute overall body shape.