Dear Bangs,

While looking through old photos the other day, I found a photo taken of me in 1st Grade… It must have been around Thanksgiving time because half the class is wearing what appears to be Pilgrim hats (made out of construction paper), while the other half dons Indian Chief hats (it was okay to say “Indian” back then. We didn’t know).
Anyway, Bangs, this was in 1982…. which means I was 6…. which means we’ve been together for 27 years. We’ve grown up together, you and I… And though I never EVER strayed (with the exception of a very long/side swept thing I tried right after college), for all intents and purposes, I have always been loyal. In fact, I stuck with you when no one else did.
Sure… I haven’t always been kind: I have teased you. I have sprayed you. I have fried you.
And I have certainly cursed you.

I forgive you for all your little frayed ends, and your twisty little curls that sometimes make me look like I have payis, and all the times you’ve put me in a bad mood. (Yes, hair can do that).
Bangs, we, me and you… WE are a team. My hair, my look, my daily routine would be incomplete without you. .And no matter how many times you’ve heard my grandmother say she’d like to see you out of my eyes, I hope you know that I, I am faithfully yours and have no intentions of ending this relationship any time soon.
You’ve been with me through thick and thin… good times and bad…blood sweat and tears. You’ve covered my eyebrows when they were a mess and you’ve let me straighten you when you just wanted to be wild. Oh, Bangs, though I want to tell you how much money I’ve actually spent trying to give you the best life possible, I won’t. I won’t. Because that would be rude and this is a love letter. SO, my friend, I just want to thank you and wish you a happy, healthy, stylish, and face slimming anniversary.
With love,
P.S. Going to San Francisco this weekend. Supposed to Rain. PLEASE do your best to behave. I would hate to cheat on you with my other love, The Bandana…
FILED UNDER: Style & Beauty

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  1. Friday, November 20th, 2009
    I recently got bangs...and I'm STILL trying to get used to them.

    My stylist says it makes me look young. I think it makes me look too young (until you get up close and see that I could use a wax and some better anti-wrinkle eye cream). Oh, boy.
  2. Tuesday, November 24th, 2009
    My letter wouldn't have been so nice....I have a cowlick on either side of my bangs! ;-)
  3. Wednesday, December 2nd, 2009
    Jennifer: Where are you? I miss your posts (no pressure :) ) although the ode to bangs was good. I've been an a reader for a while (you make me laugh at loud, literally), and I'm not even a mother. So come back soon because I told my blog readers you are a must read (no more pressure :) ).
