For months, I have considered taking Baby-Ko for a real “big boy” haircut. I had taken him to get his bangs trimmed a couple of times at Fantastic Sams… But with all due respect to those of you that frequent those drive-thru establishments, ya kind of do get what you pay for and my boy kind of came out rocking what I like to call a “Three Stooges Mullet”:

Moe in the front, Larry in the back.

So, despite the fact that the vision of his precious little curls falling to the floor made me want to cry and get a contract in writing from him that he promises to still sit on my lap when he’s 24, I decided to bite the bullet and take him for a real haircut…
I braced myself for an all out fit/ crying match as getting a 2 year old to sit still is nearly impossible, but Baby-Ko couldn’t have been any cooler…. sitting in a car propped on a barber’s stool. Totally brilliant and well worth the 40 dollars plus tip. (Yes. Welcome to LA).
Not sure I’m gonna spend this much on his next haircut, but I will say, I am just thrilled my boy’s still got some Curly….

FILED UNDER: A Little Life

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  1. Alli B.
    Tuesday, September 1st, 2009
    Thank god!!! you did it !!! And he looks adorable! love it!!
    (Poor boy was walking around w/ a Moe/Larry-do..(but he was still a stud!))