May, 2008

When I pulled into the lot at Gelsons yesterday, I knew exactly how I looked. I was in my ugliest sweats, underneath my glasses, I had mascara that was so caked in, there wasn’t an eye makeup remover in the world strong enough to remove it, and my teeth could have used another minute of brushing. But I didn’t care. I was on a mission so that I could get Baby-Ko back home in time for a good morning nap in his crib. The Gelsons I go to is in a nice area and is always hopping with young hot mommies. In addition to needing milk for the house and some ...Read More
When I opened the mailbox today and saw a very thin envelope from one of my student loan companies, I was less than pleased. I never get anything in the mail from them so I immediately assumed it was a late notice (though I’m never late) or a notice saying one of our checks bounced (though it never has). Okay, fine, I have been late and have bounced a check once (or twice) before, but it doesn’t happen often and that’s not the point… The point IS, I was expecting a letter that would no doubt end with me having to call to beg and plead with some unsympathetic customer service ...Read More